

Santa Cruz Biotechnology (cat # sc-65)


Polyclonal Ab produced by immunizing with a peptide mapping near the C-terminus of Rap1 of human origin.

How used: 

Western blotting done at 1:1000 dilution using 5 % bovine serum albumin as blocker and SuperSignal West Femto sensitivity substrate kit  (Pierce) as the detection reagent. Generally two bands are observed at 21 and 25 kDa loading 15 μg of total lysate from mouse pancreatic acini. The right molecular weight is 21 kDa.


Immunoprecipitation (2 μg per 500 μg of total protein).


Immunofluorecence utilized a 1:200 dilution on formaldehyde fixed and then frozen mouse pancreatic acini.

Publications describing the antibody and usage: 

J Biol Chem; 283(35):23884-23894, 2008