Contribute Non-Peer-Reviewed Content
Pancreapedia members are invited to contribute non-peer-reviewed pieces to the Reagents section. Share information about the Antibodies, Mouse Models, and Viral Vectors with which you and your colleagues work. The Antibodies section allows investigators to post antibodies that work, what conditions to use, e.g. dilution, and for what purpose. The purpose of the Mouse Models section is to list mouse lines made or used by members of the pancreas community and to allow researchers to contact the source. The Viral Vectors compilation is for listing vectors and their source to allow researchers to contact the source with the purpose of obtaining a vector known to work in pancreatic cells.
Contribute Content for Peer Review
Pancreapedia accepts Reviews, Methods, Molecule Pages and Pathways important to pancreatic function and pathophysiology, for peer-review and publication. Because these are peer reviewed and edited they must be sent to an Editor as an email attachment. It is highly recommended that an Editor be emailed initially to have the particular topic assigned to yourself.
General Instructions When Preparing Content
Please include a title page with authors names and addresses including phone number and email address. Provide the gene nomenclature for the molecule if a protein.
Prepare your article as a word document using 1 inch margins, Helvetica font and 1.5 line spacing. References should be listed in alphabetical order using Am J Physiology format and end with the PMID number. If you use a bibliographic software such as EndNote please remove the code after the document is finished. We would like all IHC or micrographs also submitted as separate files. They will be mounted separately in the Cell Strucure section. Any previously published figure requires attribution to the original source and permission. Both APS (AJP, Physiological Reviews) and ASBMB (J Biol Chem, Mol Cell Proteomics) allow reproduction of authors own work without permission. Some other Journals require going to a copyright clearance center for permission. Acknowledgements and any grant support can be placed at the end just before the references.
Your contribution will be identified by the date of posting on the Web and labeled as version 1.0. You will be able to update it whenever you wish, creating versions 1.1 and so on. All past versions will be stored. You will be able to cite your contribution in articles and list it in your CV as a book chapter or other contribution.
Papers should be emailed as an attachment to
Reviews are comprehensive summaries of a particular topic relating to pancreatic cells, function or disease. Contact an Editor for approval. Each entry can be as long as available knowledge warrants. Figures in color and histological illustrations are encouraged. Movies or data sets can be appended. References should be inclusive and presented in general format.
Instructions for Methods Entries
Methods are entries designed to convey information on methods important in pancreatic function and pathophysiology. Each entry can be as long as the available knowledge warrants. The following sections should be included:
- General introduction to the method and the approach
- Materials: listed as numbered points
- Methods: Steps in the procedure
- Notes: These are like footnotes and convey extra technical information
- References
Some topics will lend themselves to longer text passages but it is essential that the materials and procedures be detailed. If possible also consider how the procedure is validated, how to determine its variability and how to report data. We hope that following the protocols will lead to more standardization of results between laboratories.
Please refer to the Methods section to see examples of accepted entries.
Instructions for Molecule Page Entries
Molecule Pages are designed to present information on molecules important in pancreatic function and pathophysiology. Each entry can be as long as the available knowledge warrants but will usually be 3-12 pages. The following sections should be included:
- General Information: Coverage of the structure and function of the molecule with references to important papers, reviews and data bases such as the Nature molecule pages. Information on secondary and tertiary structure and regulatory phosphoryolation should be mentioned. If more than one isoform exists they should be compared or contrasted.
- Pancreatic Information: Information on the molecule in the pancreas. This should be as comprehensive as possible and reference all appropriate literature. Summary diagrams or immunohistochemical localization should be included although the figures can be placed at the end of the document. On occasion actual data may be reproduced with permission of the publisher. It is also possible to include new descriptive data such as using PCR to document the presence of specific isoforms.
- Tools for Study:
- cDNA clones
- Antibodies
- Viral Vectors
- Mouse Models
The aim is to mention all tools known to the author that actually work. You don't have to mention all available antibodies. If you mention a special cDNA or viral vector indicate whether it is available to purchase from a company or as a gift from you.
- References: Please include all authors and complete titles and pages.
Please refer to the Molecules section for examples of accepted entries.
Instructions for Classic Books and Papers
Contact an Editor by email to nominate a particular book or paper and/or express your willingness to contribute a commentary.
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